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lukisan indah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "lukisan indah"
  • lukisan:    depiction; drawing; painting; paintings; icon;
  • indah:    beautiful; fine; lovely; loving; nice;
  • indah:    beautiful; fine; lovely; loving; nice; picturesque; posh; gorgeous; heaven; magical; panoramic; pretty; racy; scenic; showy; beaut; beauty; majestic; idyllic; inspired; rah; attractive; awesome; swi
  • lukisan:    depiction; drawing; painting; paintings; icon; icon, ikon; delegacy; internal representation; mental representation; line drawing; enactment; brushwork; paintwork; sketch; image; personation; map; c
  • . sangat indah:    so beautiful
  • amat indah:    splendid
  • berbentuk indah:    shapely; well-rounded
  • bertubuh indah:    pulchritudinous
  • biru indah:    royal blue
  • dengan indah:    exquisitely; picturesquely
  • gerbang indah:    beautiful gate
  • indah sekali:    exquisite
  • janji indah:    pie in the sky
  • loncat indah:    diving (sport); dive; diving
  • pacat indah:    superb pitta
  • Why don't you tell me about this beauty right here.
    Lalu "Lukisan Indah" ini?
  • Lot of pretty paintings in this hotel.
    Banyak lukisan indah di hotel ini.
  • Pamella's really beautiful, you can make wonderful paintings of her.
    Pamella ini benar-benar indah, Anda dapat membuat lukisan indah nya.
  • Exquisite Natural Painting Pampers the Eyes in Lempuyang Luhur
    Lukisan Indah Alami Memanjakan Mata di Lempuyang Luhur
  • A Concert by Lorenzo Costa. Lovely painting, lousy character class.
    Konser oleh Lorenzo Costa. lukisan indah, kelas karakter buruk.
  • You have beautiful paintings.
    Kau punya lukisan indah.
  • Get your pencil and start watching this incredible tutorial, Find Your Subject and Creating Your First Beautiful Painting!
    Dapatkan pensil Anda dan mulailah menonton tutorial yang luar biasa ini, Temukan Subjek Anda dan Buat Lukisan Indah Pertama Anda!
  • A magnificent Callow of about 1840, a polychrome James Bourne, rare, a pair of rather flashy Varleys from his last period, and the finest Edridge I have ever seen.
    Lukisan indah Callow sekitar tahun 1840. Lukisan polikrom James Bourne. Langka.
  • The mosque include's 6 arched shape wooden doors and then dazzles you with views of white chandeliers, tile-mosaic and frescos of extraordinary beauty.
    Masjid ini memiliki enam pintu kayu yang melengkung yang kemudian akan mempesona Anda dengan pemandangan tempat lilin putih, ubin mozaik dan lukisan indah yang luar biasa.
  • In developing this wonderful game Painting for children you have to draw an apple. The game is very poznovatelna for toddlers. Control of the game "Draw apple" is the mouse.
    Dalam mengembangkan permainan Lukisan indah untuk anak-anak Anda harus menggambar sebuah apel. Permainan ini sangat poznovatelna untuk balita. Kendali permainan "Menggambar apple" adalah mouse.
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